Dietetic ans Stress

Publié le par flo.

Extracted by the book intitled "Self Management" by Anne Marie Laporte Castelnau and Brigitte Laporte Darbans


To made our Health better, There are some positives activities :

Guiding principles :

- To take its meals in an environment of relaxation

- To eat slowly

- Not to jump of meal

- To vary its food

- To drink much water enters the meals

To privilege : Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, dairy products low in fat content, dry cereals, vegetables and fruits, white meats, seafood, fish (roasted, poached, in curlpaper), little cooked or believed vegetable oils

To consume moderately : Believed butter, the very salted food, salt, the red meats, the dairy products rich in fat content, eggs (not more than 2 or 3 per week), the coffee (1 cup per day), alcohol (it consumes your vitamins)

To avoid : Tobacco (it consumes your vitamins), cracklings, cooked butter, white bread, preparations containing white flour, white sugar, kitchen or industrial pastry making.



Publié dans Health Harmony

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