"Do In" of the Head

Publié le par flo.


Extracted the book "Management of Oneself" of

Anne Marie Laporte and Brigitte Laporte


If you are on your premise, or at the office and that you have a few minutes of spare time, I invite you to apply the excercices suggested by the authors for you DETENDRE. One starts....

To stimulate the growth of the hair : I take my hair with the root, matches by wick, between the inch and the index and I make them slip, while drawing, to the point of the wick

To stimulate the vision: I pose the end of my fingers on the lower circumference of the orbit, to expir it, I drop my head on my fingers (3 times)

To stimulate hearing: I pose my hands in conch on my ears and I listen, then I introduce my auricular into the auditory canal and I turn 3 times in a direction and then 3 times in the other.  pose the end of my fingers on the higher circumference of the orbit, to expir it, I drop my head on my fingers. (3 times)

To drive out the concern: I interiorize myself in sitting position. I pass my from top to bottom hands, on my face several times. I smooth my face, with the end of the indices and of major, from the center towards the temples, the desus of the eyebrows to the root of the hair.

To prevent the evils of throat and to stop cough I pose the major right on the nail of the right index and just supports them on the top of the sternum, in the hollow known-sternal, about expir it, I press 3 times.

Stimulate the whole of the points reflexes I exert pressures on the houses of my ears with my indices

Publié dans Health Harmony

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